GRAV® Wobble Bubbler


53 in stock



The wobble bubbler is a wonder of clever minimal design. At its core, this bubbler pipe is built for easy use and maximum stability. The heavy borosilicate glass bottom contains a fixed downstem with four holes that filter and percolate your hit. The domed top of this bubbler fills with swirling smoke when in use.


The angled straw mouthpiece focuses the flavor of your hit and allows for a quick inhale once you pull the bowl. The Wobbler has great versatility. It makes an ideal tabletop bubbler bong but works just as well as a dab rig if you drop in a quartz banger.


If you bump or slide this bubbler, it may wobble, but it won’t fall down. Tip the wobble bubbler on its side, and it will spin around but not spill.

Additional information

Weight 0.3402 kg


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